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The Truth This Time
My purpose in writing this book was to imagine a person who has lived
through much of man's history such that he could relate it to the
in the first person. Of course, I realized early on that my main
character either had to be God or some other eternal
Forward Yes, vampires are real. They have been around as near as we can tell since man has existed. We will tell you about a real vampire who walks among the human population, who he really is, why he is, what he does do and cannot do. Our story focuses on a monster who appears completely human, who functions and interacts with us in an absolutely normal way. If you met him you would not suspect him to be anything but normal. Our character has been around for many centuries but remains externally perpetually young. Maybe you have met him and maybe even worked along side him. Over his long life he has been many things; a soldier, a sailor, a policeman, a pilot, a medical doctor, a mechanic and, most consistently, a lover of women. Because our vamp is overly fond of the blood of young human females, (to the exclusion of all others) we have to get into the details of the whys and wherefores. Necessarily then, the story unavoidably gets a touch raunchy (actually a lot raunchy). If you are one for whom such descriptive language is offensive, please feel free to skip over the intimate descriptions and we guarantee you will not lose the rhyme or reason of the narrative. Our story moves with our character through the centuries weaving the events of his times with the history of those times. The mundane everyday behavior of the sophisticated vamp acts as superficial cover disguising his bizarre and unacceptable behavior. He knows he's an anomaly, hated and feared by humans and he isn't particularly fond of us either. In his early days (the dark ages) everyone was highly superstitious believing in evil; witches, ghosts, werewolves and vampires were everywhere so life for one of the damned was far harder than today. Over time, man lost his fear of 'evil'. Today, none but the primitive hold beliefs in the occult. Science and the age of enlightenment have seen to that. Of course, all this modernity is very welcome by the bloodsuckers. If no one believes in them then they can't exist! The book exposes the conflicts and inner turmoil felt by the non-humans who share our world. Torn as they are between God and Satan, and cursed with unending existence, hanging on to sanity becomes a monumental struggle. John C. Scott
The book has its beginning with our character Paul (a 1500 year old Vampire) as an American soldier in Iraq. It flashes back to his early human days moving forward over some 22 chapters and 256 pages through a series of wars, including the American Civil war, both World Wars and on back to the Iraqi wars, where it ends where it began-with Paul fighting crazed Muslims in Fallujah. Along the way, the book describes in far too intimate and explosive detail exactly what Paul does to his girls that allows him to feed on them- trading sex for blood- such that he never falls under suspicion.
CHAPTER 1 Our story is about a 'young man' 1500 years old who decided many centuries ago that it might be more interesting, promising and fruitful to join an Army for food than to hang around the back alleys in the urban nightmares we call cities. The problem is, how do you suppose you can pass a physical in the army when you don't have a heartbeat and you don't have a pulse? So, you guessed it- our young man is a walking, talking real-life (pardon the play on words) vampire. And yes, some still exist and always have. Behind every strange tale of occult nightmares there are always grains of truth. If you are surprised at the huge proliferation of stories of the undead (zombie movies and the like) you must have asked yourself -why? How dead flesh, absent a heartbeat, with no blood or oxygen coursing through their bodies can possibly function- positively boggles the mind and baffles scientists- yet, it's all very real. The dead have and do walk among us and vampires do exist. The Haitian voodoo practitioners for example have used occult magic to make dead bodies walk. The myths and legends are true. The good news for the living is that there were never more than a few or so real vampires in the entire world and all of them are hundreds of years old with no pressing desire to create images after themselves. They feed, they sometimes kill and- they move on. Back to our hero- (or anti-hero) he figured out that, after the 19th century, he wasn't going to get through the physical to get into any army so, as he had done countless times, in countless wars in countless countries, in Miami cruising the night life along the strip he found a guy that looked like him, about the same size and age as he was- or at least he looked the same age - had him for lunch, took his uniform and ID, made the body disappear and memorized his name and background enough to pass. In 2013 he found himself deployed to Iraq. Ten days later he and several thousand other American soldiers were sent to Fallujah. As it turned out, the young Soldier he had for lunch was a Marine not army- a little mistake but it turned out to be just fine with our young man. Fallujah, for most people, was a nightmare- for most but not for Paul- that's his name by the way. His mother named him Paul after one of the Apostles but, of course, when he was 20 he got turned and that was 1500 years ago. Now he was a 20 year old Marine from Ocean City Maryland named William James Butler- not a bad name and easy to remember. Fallujah was, in the early days of the fighting, a real live Wild West show. The enemy fought like frantic cats from every window, roof and doorway. Bullets were flying thick as swarming bees-zipping and snapping over the heads of the marines and enemy as well. Bill, of course, (we'll call him Bill) could move a lot faster than a bullet and could see them coming. Of course, he couldn't let his fellow soldiers know that so he mostly did his vamp thing out of sight, inside the darkened homes and buildings. Slipping from the bright sunlight (which, by the by, doesn't kill vampires (we don't know how that got started, it's never been true) through a partially opened door, our boy glided (floated) into the darkened room like a silent shadow. He flitted up a set of stairs, never touching the steps. At the first landing crouched a short Arab next to a small window with a Russian sniper rifle, the Dragunov. Bill smelled him the instant he entered the building. The Dragunov sniper rifle, introduced in 1963 is a semi-automatic sniper/designated marksman rifle chambering for the 7.62×54 mm round. It was developed in the Soviet Union and has an effective range of: 800 meters with a barrel length of 620 mm and a rate of fire of: 30 rounds/min with a gas-operated rotating bolt with a -detachable PSO-1 x 4 power optical sight. This information passed instantly through Paul/ Bill's thoughts as he squeezed the Arabs head off his neck with one hand- silently dispatching him to the happy hunting ground where he would try to find his 72 naked virgins. Our boy, Corporal Bill, had memorized over a hundred military books and manuals which he had read and memorized in a matter of an hour before packing for the flight to Iraq. He knew everything that any marine could possibly know about proper military etiquette, protocol, behavior, uniforms, methods, ranks and weapons. One of the gifts all real vampires have is photographic minds and instant recall. Something you should also know is that they have many supernatural abilities making them almost invulnerable. For example, vampires can float off the ground and fly. (they do not and never have had actual wings, another myth) They have enough strength in one hand to lift a 4000 lb vehicle off the ground and they can move with lightening speed- far faster then the human eye can detect. Not having a beating heart, vampires have no sentiment or love of humanity or anything, even each other. The stories of vampires loving humans are nonsense. Humans are no more than a food source as are all living things. Vampires do however have some enjoyment in life (again, a cheap play on words). They do like the hunt and they like feeding and sometimes killing. Vampires take a kind of bizarre pleasure killing living things. Vampires will kill and feed on rats, dogs, cats, cows, snakes and anything they can get their hands on- which is anything they want! Humans however, maybe because humans look like them, (or at least what they used to look like) are their favorite food. Some vampires (not all) seem to take pleasure in watching the life drain from their vics and, of course, they immensely enjoy drinking their blood. Vamps enjoy books, science, the medical arts mathematics, art and opera and music. They often spend days studying a single picture or statue. They haunt museums and love plays and cinema. Vamps remember every minute of every day of every year of their long lives. They have photographic memories with perfect and instantaneous recall. Vamps are very smart! They drive cars, fly aircraft, sail boats, hike and climb. They dive and fish and like parachuting and bungee jumping. Vamps study humans endlessly. They know you better than you know you. They are intuitive and sense danger and disease. A vamp can tell almost by looking if a person of vic has cancer. How do I know all this? My grandmother as it turns out was a vampire. She, of course, wasn't my real grandmother. My real grandmother was a victim of the female vampire who took her place. Vampires need a safe space to hide. Taking over the life of a real person look alike is a common practice of all vampires- it gives them a home and convincing cover. So, one day when I was about ten, I saw my "grandmother" flying. She was hovering outside the second floor window trying to open it quietly. She saw me and either had to eat me and find another home or explain- lucky for me- she chose the latter! She used her powers to seal my mind such that I could never tell my Mom, Dad, brothers and sisters or anyone about this secret! I only could remember it in her presence. Over the years, before I left home for university, I learned many things about my grandmother. For example, she was 400 years old and had been born in Greece as the youngest daughter of a wealthy merchant family. So, in this way I learned from my fake Grandmother that vampires are real and have been around for millennia. I met Paul through her. Vamps don't as a rule socialize. They are competitors and never friends. All vamps are secretive (of course, they have to be) but, this one time, as it turned out, both Grandma and Paul were intent on feeding on the same vic and not paying too much attention. A slightly overweight, blonde, pink-skinned and generously endowed American girl was wandering completely alone in a kind of English maze of hedges. She was wearing a mesh tank top with no bra, one pink and very erect nipple poked through. Her far too short cut-off jeans allowed her prominent ass cheeks to show. It was just after sunset and both vampires had hunted there before. Dinner never looked so good! Our vamps were standing at opposite ends of a blind dead-end hedge row just off the main trail. They couldn't see each other and the overpowering smell of the ripe female made them oblivious to their own kind. The walking smoking hot 'dinner' came around the corner and seeing both vamps- froze! In a thousandth of a second they reached her simultaneously, one in back -the other in front. Bill plunged his fangs deeply into one plumb breast while Grandma went for the pulsing vein in her white neck. Looking up- they suddenly saw each other! Neither stopped for a second sucking the poor girl's blood - they never took their eyes off each other. In less than a minute it was over, the girl was dry, empty and quite dead. Neither vamp had an intention to kill this young vic -just to get a drink but, in their shock at seeing each other they forgot to stop until it was way too late. The girl's eyes rolled up, her face went slack, her mouth hung agape- no blood pumped into the vamps mouths. Dead is dead! This was not intended but what to do? Dropping her to the ground like a deflated balloon, Grandma sliced her head off while Paul cut her punctured pink tit off. She opened the plastic bag and they dropped the severed parts in. These days, as long as no teeth marks were found, the murder would be blamed on crazed Muslims- they were always running around decapitating prople! How convenient. So, this is how my fake grandmother, the 400 year old vampire, got to know Paul the 1500 year old vampire and how I finally met him. One day, when no one was home, Grandma talked Paul into coming over. She had told him about me and that I wasn't able to remember anything until and unless they released my mind block. In some way I guess Paul, having bummed around for 1500 years, had a lot of memories- a lot on his mind. Grandma thought it would be good if he talked about his life. This was the first of many, many meetings and each time Paul told us more and more. So read on and see what you think. I don't have everything down but much of it is there and as both my fake Grandmother and Paul gave me back my memories and permission to write it all down. Both, by the way, are long gone to God only knows where. All that they told me was 50 years ago
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