Worth Reading |
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The following collection of articles
written over the years represents a conservative philosophy based on
‘common sense’ and the moral and ethical values shared by all educated,
balanced, intelligent and civilized western people. No attempt to soften
the rational
No prescient individual considering the dire and dangerous situation facing western civilization in this year of 2019 can but conclude that we are indeed standing on the proverbial precipice staring at a socialist doom. Today, as in WW II, when the civilized world declared war on the Nazi and Jap monsters, we are again watching as our lefty hangman eagerly approaches the gallows. America, over her short history, has faced and defeated many enemies. Today however is different- like POGO, we have seen the enemy- and he is us! The first, and arguably gravest, existential danger to western civilization and particularly America comes not from Iranian bombs, Chinese seeking dominance, barking mad Muslims or the murderous yellow midget- but, from the distorted, erroneous, socialist propaganda foisted on our young by the demented hateful lefties ruining rampant in our educational system and elected offices. Far-left indoctrination begins at an early age and continues through university and beyond. It is aimed at making America into a 'one size fits all,' 1984, poverty-stricken, gray collective quagmire- the death of the individual and the death of capitalism- a dystopian future! Schools are turning out generations with a factually distorted and negative view of their country, a hatred of capitalism and an inexplicable preference for socialism- of which they actually know nothing! Demented fools like Bernie Sanders and thousands of far-left, low IQ professors espouse historically de-bunked "collective" garbage and the infantile, coddled and ignorant snowflakes cowering in their "crying rooms and safe spaces" lap it up. America is changing before our eyes - we are becoming a nation that could well wind up being led by godless, soulless, wimp socialists bent on the destruction of our capitalist system! That said, there is a second internal problem- the enormous and unending influx of millions of ignorant, needy, disease infested, impoverished illegal aliens crawling into OUR country over the last 60 or so years. They have, with the compliance of the left, unalterably, and forever, changed the demographics of our country, such that, in the near future, this will no longer be our country but THEIRS! The collected thoughts on the following pages will hopefully give pause and perhaps lead you to question what you thought and how you see America. We are changing and have changed- and like the frog in the slowing heating pot, we are dying. From 1950, with a population of 150 million, we today have 320 million and growing with more then half not born in America. Most arrive today destitute, without education, money or English. Indeed, entire cities today no longer speak English. (Push 2 for English) Millions have no idea who our founding fathers were nor do they give a hoot. Even more know nothing of our founding documents and, of course, don’t care. They are, in the main, here for what we have and they mean to take it all… On this day, as I write these words, hundreds are howling at our gates demanding entry and hundreds of indoctrinated young. idealistic 'open-border-no border" silly-ass Americans are there to help them all enter and mooch off what remains of the working Americans in the private sector.
Robert J. Firth, To Purchase This Book with PAY-PAL
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