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Generally premeditated but, in this case, it was the unintentional
taking of ones life, along with everyone else's!
Humans are flesh and blood. We are relatively physically weak. To make
ourselves stronger and able to do more, we made, make and use tools. We
made and make wagons, cars, steam-engines, gasoline engines, aircraft
and an amazing assortment of useful things. We made telephones, radios,
televisions, wrote music and books.
Computers were, in the early days, like the Chinese abacus, simply tools to speed up computations. Later, they were found useful for accessing and storing information and even later, they were found useful in performing certain repetitive tasks. We learned that, with some innovations, computers could even steer vehicles. Of course, we had adopted the computer to steer aircraft even earlier. In fact, the aircraft autopilot, a fairly primitive form of computer, did a better job of flying than the human pilot. We built computer driven surgical instruments that could perform simple operations. As the information age grew, schools trained programmers and computer engineers. Entire education programs were formed at almost all universities to teach initial and advance robotics. The idea of passing on dull and simple work to robots was exceedingly attractive- especially so to industry. The world of Capitalism embraced robotics as a gift from the Gods. Robots didn't whine, didn't need days off, took no vacations needed no medical care, required no retirement and no unions! My God, bring them on- quickly please! The technical minded segment of society and industry responded. As rapidly as possible, robots were designed, manufactured and delivered to take over the work of humans. Thousands of flesh and blood humans were laid off. Robots painted cars, picked fruit, cut grass and drove vehicles. Gone were the truck drivers, taxi drivers and airline pilots. Gone were personal vehicles and motorcycles, outlawed in the interests of safety. Gone were almost all factory workers. Amazon drones delivered everything. The military brass was delighted. Now they could send an armed killer drone ten thousand miles away to kill people they didn't like. War-bots were built that took the place of human boots on the ground in many conflicts. A new era was emerging in the world of computers- Artificial Intelligence- a computer that uses memory and inputted logic to make independent decisions. The boffins finally did it! They made a computer that could seemingly 'think!' The test was a person would talk to it and it would respond- an actual two-way discussion. If the human didn't know and couldn't tell that he was talking to a computer- they had done it- AI, Artificial Intelligence! AI has been discussed and studied for decades. During the evolutionary period called “knowledge engineering" they progressed to model- and algorithm-based 'machine learning. Today, the AI field is increasingly focused on perception, reasoning and generalization, AI in China, America and throughout the educated world is today of primary import. Could an AI computer demonstrate self-awareness? Did it sense that it was an independent entity? Did it "feel?" How did it perceive itself? What did it think we were? These were the questions the scientists struggled with in the dawning of the age of AI! What were the dangers AI posed? Can it be controlled? Will it control us? Today, few major industries do not employ AI or, “narrow AI,” to perform tasks with data-trained models. Many applications fall into the category of deep learning or actual machine learning. Data collection and analysis has increased considerably due to IoT connectivity. IoT refers to 'The internet of things meaning a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals or people that are provided with unique identifiers (UIDs) and the ability to transfer data over a given network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction. Many futurists, including the late Stephen Hawking said that "if AI itself begins designing better AI than its human programmers, the result could be “machines whose intelligence exceeds ours by more than ours exceeds that of snails.” Elon Musk has warned us for some years that AGI (artificial general intelligence) is humanity’s biggest existential threat. The work to bring it to life is like “summoning the demon.” He expressed concern that his pal, Google co-founder and Alphabet CEO, Larry Page, could accidentally bring something “evil” into our world. Musk warned us to be 'very careful' with AI. "At some point it won't have any use for Humans. It will know all there is to know and its intellect will far outstrip humanity." Be careful, be very careful! Sadly, as we discuss in Suicide, 'we' weren't listening!
Dr. Robert Heath Johnson PhD
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