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THE BATTLE OF TOURS TOURS, THE MOST SIGNIFICANT BATTLE IN HISTORY This is not a history book! It's far more significant than that!
Tours, the largest city in the Centre region of France, is the location
of what was arguably the most significant battle in human history. Here,
in 732, Charles "the Hammer" Martel stopped an invading army of sixty
thousand Muslims cold. Martel slaughtered every one of
Since the birth of the so-called prophet Mohammed in 471 AD, the crazed followers of Allah rampaged throughout the Middle East and invaded southern Europe in an attempt to lay waste to all Christian lands, murdering, pillaging and proselytizing. The spread of Islam throughout the Middle East was most certainly by and under the sword. The Egyptians were obviously not Arabs or Muslims until the armies of Islam swept into their territories. Equally, in every country that fell under the murdering hands of the Muslims, the people of those countries were subjugated and slaughtered, forced to convert or die. Indeed, no one can argue that Islam is not a diseased cult spread by force staining human history with blood. The story I wrote is about Charles Martel and how he came to be there on that fateful day at Tours as the sole defender of the faith and all that stood against the Muslim onslaught that had penetrated so deeply into Europe. I argue that had not Martel been able to stop them, it is highly likely that today, all of us, the entire Christian world, would have likely been destroyed and forced to convert or die. The spires of the minarets would today have been in the thousands throughout Europe and even into the new world. It is highly probable that Islam would have retained a dominant position throughout the world just as they do today in all lands that have fallen under their obscene rule. With their seeming worship and devotion of and to ignorance, human civilization would have been stuck in the past. We would have had no modernization, no invention and no advancement- mankind today would still be living in the dark ages under the cruel eyes of the Mutawas (thought police) and vicious power hungry Ayatollahs. It would be centuries later, during the Ottoman Empire, that Islam again threatened Europe. It is important to note that Martel's victory at Tours, and his later campaigns, prevented invasion of Europe by the Muslim caliphate. Martel preserved and protected Christianity and Western civilization, as we know it. Gibbons called him "the paramount prince of his age." A strong argument can be made that Gibbons was entirely correct. The book describes the Battle of Tours as if it were happening today. it recreates the movements of the armies, the difficulties of provisioning such large numbers in those times and looks into the minds of the leaders and soldiers as they fought and died in that historic conflict. The book shows us the motivations of the mad Muslims who so desperately wanted to destroy western Christianity and delves into their reasoning then and now. Tours is important because it was the first time a western Christian Army had defeated the marauding Muslims and it set the stage for the retaliation that was to follow in the form of the Crusades. Both the crusades and the attacks into Europe by the Muslims that preceded them, laid the foundations for the humiliation, anger and hatred that motivates the attacks on the west by the Jihadists of today. The skein of history in those times is thin. The book does not rely on diaries and written accounts as one can in more recent battles. Some poetic license has been exercised to capture the probable thoughts and actions of the men on both sides of this most historic battle...
John C. Scott John C. Scott lives in London England with his wife and two grown sons. Mr. Scott was born in Canada and is the author of several historical narratives. He worked for many years as a professor of medieval history. Mr. Scott attended Cambridge University.
Customer Reviews Tours describes a battle that for whatever reason was left out of western history. All humanity owes Charles Martel everything. Had he lost, we would all likely be sticking our ass in the air five times a day. Marshal Ebbits, Major General, retired ___________________________________________________ The Arabs are sick from centuries of Incest . Their blood is diseased and there's no way to undo the genetic damage. I'm a Dr of internal medicine but have studied enough about the human genome to know that these people are truly sick and beyond help. Dr. Siegfried Marlowe, London UK. ___________________________________________________ Sir, Tours is an important and astounding book Congratulations. I thought myself fairly knowledgeable about our history but was taken completely by surprise when reading of the battle. How something so terribly important could have been left from our educations is beyond me. Tours provides the historical context without which we "infidels" have little chance of understanding the terrible danger we all face from Islam. Perceval Watkins, Sydney Australia.
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