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I have written several books on war. I flew 3 years in Vietnam and
witnessed the terrible cost of military conflict. As Marc Antony says in
Act 3, Scene 1, of William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar: "Cry 'Havoc, and
let slip the dogs of war." The insanity begins. There can be
Individual soldiers have demonstrated incredible courage, strength and bravely. In some, war brings out the very best. The soldier fights for his life and the lives of his friends and fellow soldiers- not for the distant general ordering him to kill other men. We all recognize that crazed dictators from totalitarian states must be stopped and we know that too often, the only way they can be stopped is by fighting and killing them. On June 28, 1914, Near the Latin Bridge in Sarajevo Serbia, a mad-man murdered the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand and ensuing events swept the world into war. 19-year-old Gavrilo Princip shot both Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie with a Browning pistol. Princip was sentenced to 20 years in prison, where he died from tuberculosis in 1918. Anti-Serb protests and riots broke out throughout Austria-Hungary blamed on the assassination. One month later, on July 28, 1914, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. This set the Triple Alliance (Austria-Hungary, Germany, and Italy) against Serbia’s allies in the Triple Entente (Russia, France, and Britain).Eventually, the momentum became unstoppable, sparking one of the dumbest and bloodiest conflicts in history. Incidentally, WWI also set the stage for WWII 22 years later as well as making possible 70 years of brutal communism. This book is about this terrible conflict and also we tell the story of a very special British boy murdered in this deadly, avoidable and utterly senseless war- a war not of his making and indeed not of his or anyone's understanding. We discuss Sam Mason, a 19 year old, murdered a day before his 20th birthday at the battle of Somme. Sam was a mathematical Genius, a child prodigy, gifted far beyond his contemporaries. The British Government never should have allowed his enlistment. Sam was a national treasure. His potential for bettering the lives of all was enormous but tragically, we will never know. Sam, as it turned out, became just one of the millions of lives snuffed out before their time by the collective insanity of that terrible and totally unnecessary war. In our book, we try to come to terms with the waste. We tell you about the instigators of this most terrible conflict- the terrible men who could have, at any time, stopped it but -for whatever insane reasons, promoted the conflict- plunging the world into this most ghastly war! The book tells the reader exactly how and why the Second World War as well as the 70 years of the USSR was a consequence of the first.
Robert J. Firth,
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